Online Sports Management
Online sports management options : |
Encouraging all sports through better organisation.
As you can imagine, sports management covers a wide range of areas for all types of sports. This includes communication, calendars,
team management, age group management just to name a few. To cover this, Sports Noticeboard provide a number of different solutions.
Choosing one of the solutions below should help you to set up your own Sports Noticeboard.
Depending on your organisation, you may also choose from either the chargeable or free version.
- a free sports noticeboard has banner advertising and limited support.
- a chargeable sports noticeboard has no advertising and is fully supported and is priced at 50 cents / user / month - US or AUD.
Both paid and free versions have the same functionality.
choose type
enter your details
verify email address
create your sports noticeboard
1. Sports team management
Manage your sports team on the sports noticeboard. Replace those emails, spreadsheets, printed out contact details, map directions etc
Team sports noticeboard
Created for a single team to streamline and assist the coach or managers role. This is ideal for football teams, rowing crews, netball teams, hockey teams and many other sports.
You will be able to manage your games and see who is available for the entire season. This will reduce your administration of your team
whilst keeping everyone up to date and well informed.
2. Club online sports management
Create a sports noticeboard for online sports management for your club.
Club noticeboard
Manage all your club teams, age groups and club divisions with the sports noticeboard on the one website.
From registrations, team management, club calendars, support teams, managing children, optimize club resources and
internal communication systems, sports noticeboard will help to automate your club.
Starting with administrators to coachs, support staff, age group coordinators to participants, parents. Communication is streamlined
and the entire club is kept up to date with what events are going on.
Sports noticeboard is design to help
so that the volunteers role is more effective. From initial registrations of all the members through to
communications between teams, participants, administrators, parents, coaches etc. Parents can see the entire
season of their games - where and when the game is, who they are playing against and update their child's availability.
The manage can then see how many players are available. The then have an executive summaries of
which team is player where, when and how many are attending and will be able to assist in sharing players.
For clubs with resources such as boats, the sports noticeboard includes resource management for effictive use of its resources.
3. School sports schedule
Create a sports noticeboard for your club, school or company. Includes a one page summary of your club to let the public know about you and your events.
Manage multiple teams (above) in age groups, divisions or sports.
school noticeboard
public and private calendar
one page public summary
summary of all matches
document management
import players and matches
group contacts
support staff
broadcast messages
private email
fitness challenge
team allocations
resource management
player management
4. Sports or club listing
Create a one page summary of your club to let the public know about you and your events. Advise of your registrations, open days, fees and a short
summary about your club, sports school details etc
Club or school listing
public events
joining fees
photos of club
training locations
private contact us
home gound
fitness challenge
5. Fitness challenge
Compete in your suburb and find out how you compare in various exercises. Are you the fastest sprinter for your age group?
Use the company sports noticeboard to compete within your company.
list your times
graph times / exercise
compare within club
compare to your age group
keep fit
Noticeboard Functionality
Sports Venues
Made in Sydney, Australia
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