Manage sports team online |
Sports noticeboard gives clubs and teams the ability to manage their sports teams online.
Use the sports noticeboard to manage online your team or crew for any type of sport. Replace the multiple forms
of communication, spreadsheets, documents and lists which exists in your team or crew with a single point of up-to-date information.
Features include :
- A calendar of all upcoming games and training sessions.
- Results of games.
- See the status of each games, where the game is, when and how many can come.
- Use the sports noticeboard for all your teams your family plays.
- Keep in folders on the sports noticeboard the photos which have been uploaded.
- A complete team list of current participants.
- A complete list of the support team - ref, ball boys, lines men etc.
- What resources does your team use? Rowing boats, courts, kits.. whatever your team uses and needs to book.
An executive summary of games, photos, members, forums and support staff.