Ovals and playing fields in Sydney

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Sydney Sporting Ovals

The following is a current list of playing fields and ovals in Sydney. The list is always being added to so please contact us to add your field.

The details are available on each page for you to contact the relevant council to see if you can play your sport on the oval.

Where available, the council's wet weather line has also been added.

Please contact Sports Noticeboard to have your oval listed.

Abbott Road in North Curl Curl

Acron Oval in St Ives

Adam Street in Curl Curl

Alan Davidson Oval in Alexandria

Alexandria Park in Sydney

Algie Park in Haberfield

Allambie Heights Oval in Allambie

Allan Border Oval in Mosman

Allum Park in Greenacre

Amalfi Memorial Park in Lurnea

Amour Park in Revesby

Anderson Park in Neutral Bay

Angus Park in Rooty Hill

Annangrove Oval in Annangrove

Apha Road Park in Greystanes

Aquilina Reserve in Doonside

AR Hurst Reserve in Sylvania

Ararat Reserve in Forestville

Arlington Oval in Dulwich Hill

Arthur Phillip Reserve in Northmead

Ashfield Park in Ashfield

Ashley Brown Reserve in Seven Hills

Asquith Park in Asquith

Athol Barnes Reserve in Granville

Auluba Reserve in Turramurra

Bales Park in Chatswood

Balgowlah North Public School in Balgowlah

Balmoral Oval in Balmoral

Bambara (Belrose) in Frenchs Forest

Bannockburn Park in Pymble

Bantry Bay Reserve in Seaforth

Bantry Reserve in Seaforth

Barra Brui Oval in St Ives

Barracluff Park in Bondi

Barrenjoey High School in Avalon

Bat and Ball Oval in Moore Park

Bathurst Street Reserve in Greystanes

Beacon Hill Oval in Beacon Hill

Beacon Hill Public School in Beacon Hill

Beaman Park in Earlwood

Beauchamp Park in Chatswood

Belrose Public School in Belrose

Bennett Park in Roselands

Bernie Mullane Complex in Kellyville

Berowra Park in Berowra

Berry Park in Mount Colah

Best Road Reserve in Seven Hills

Beverley Job Park in Narraweena

Binalong Oval in Old Toongabbie

Birchgrove Oval in Birchgrove

Birrong Park / Jim Ring Reserve in Birrong

Blackman Park in Lane Cove West

Blair Park in Burwood

Blaxland Oval in Menai

Blick Oval in Ashbury

Bob Campbell Oval in Greenwich

Boondah Reserve in Narrabeen

Booralee Park in Botany

Boronia Park in Hunters Hill

Brazilian Fields in Centennial Park

Bressington Fields in Homebush

Brooklyn Oval in Hornsby

Brown Reserve in Croydon Park

Bruce Purser Reserve in Kellyville

Burns Bay Reserve in Lane Cove

Burrows Park in Clovelly

Burwood Park in Burwood

CA Redmond Field in Brighton-Le-Sands

Callan Park in Rozelle

Camdenville Oval in St Peters

Campbell Park in Chiswick

Campbelltown Showgrounds in Campbelltown

Camperdown Oval in Camperdown

Careel Bay Playing Fields in Avalon

Carss Park in South Hurstville

Centenary Park in Croydon

Central Coast Grammar Field in Erina Heights

Chatswood HS Oval in Chatswood

Chatswood Oval in Chatswood

Chopin Park in Plumpton

Christison Park in Vaucluse

Cliff Oval in Wahroonga

Clifton Gardens in Mosman

Cohen Park in Annandale

Colbee Park in McGraths Hill

Coleman Park in Georges Hall

Coleman Park Lidcombe in Lidcombe

Collaroy Plateau Park in Collaroy

College Oval, UWS Hawkesbury in Richmond

Colquhuon Park in Granville

Commercial Road Reserve in Kellyville

Condover Street Playing Fields in Balgowlah

Coogee Oval in Coogee

Cooinoo Reserve in Enfield

Cooke Park in Belfield

Cor Bouwer Reserve in Eastern Creek

Coral Sea Park in Maroubra

County Road in Frenchs Forest

Cowper Oval in St Ives

Cox Park in Dundas

Crestwood Reserve in Baulkham Hills

Cromer Park in Cromer

Croydon Park in Croydon Park

Curtis Oval in Dundas

Damian Oval in Castle Hill

Dangar Fields in Rose Bay

Daniel Street Park in Greystanes

David Phillips Sports Field in Daceyville

David Thomas Reserve in Manly Vale

Davidson High School in Frenchs Forest

Dee Why Oval in Dee Why

Drummoyne Oval in Drummoyne

Dunbar Park in Avalon

Dural Park in Dural

Dwyer Oval in Warwick Farm

Earlwood Oval.. in Earlwood

East Lindfield Park in Lindfield

Easton Park in Rozelle

Edwards Park in Concord

Els Hall Park in North Ryde

Eric Mobbs Reserve in Castle Hill

Eric Primrose Reserve in Rydalmere

Ern Holmes Oval in Pennant Hills

Evatt Park in Lugarno

Everley Park in Granville

Ewen Park in Hurlstone Park

Fairvale High School in Fairfield West

Five Dock Park in Five Dock

Flockhart Park in Burwood

Forest High School in Frenchs Forest

Forestville War Memorial Playing Fields in Forestville

Forshaw Oval in Sylvania Waters

Francesco Crescent Reserve in Baulkham Hills

Francis Park in Blacktown

Fraser Park in Marrickville

Freame Park in Merrylands

Fred Caterson Reserve in Castle Hill

French's Forest Primary in Forestville

Garside Park in Granville

George Green Oval / Graf Park in Yagoona

George Kendall Riverside Park in Ermington

George's Heights Oval in Mosman

Gilroy College in Castle Hill

Gipps Road Reserve in Parramatta

Girraween Park in Toongabbie

Glendenning Reserve in Glendenning

Glenwood Reserve in Glenwood

Gordon Parker Reserve in Milperra

Gore Creek Reserve in Greenwich

Gore Hill Park in St Leonards

Gosling Park in Greenacre

Graham Reserve in Fairlight

Grant Park in Enfield

Grantham Reserve in Seven Hills

Granville Park in Merrylands

Griffith Park in Collaroy

Guildford Park in Guildford

Guildford West Sports Ground in Guildford

Hallstrom Park in Willoughby

Hammond Park in Ashfield

Hanna Reserve in Plumpton

Harbord Park in Harbord

Harlequins Old Reub in North Curl Curl

Harry Gapes Reserve in Merrylands

Harvey Park in Marayong

Hassall Grove Reserve in Hassall Grove

Hassell Park in St Ives

Hazel Ryan Oval in North Rocks

Headen Park in Thornleigh

Heber Park in Hebersham

Hefron Park in Maroubra

Henley Park in Enfield

Hews Reserve in Belrose

Hitchcock Park in Avalon

Holroyd Sports Ground in Granville

Holy Cross College Oval in Ryde

Hordern Oval in Bellevue Hill

Hudson Park in Strathfield

Hughes Park in Earlwood

Hv Evatt Park in Lugarno

J J Cahill Memorial High School in Mascot

Jackson Road in Narrabeen

James Morgan Res in Cromer

James Morgan Reserve in Dee Why

Jellicoe Park in Pagewood

Jensen Park in Sefton

Jim Campbell Sportsfield in Macquarie Park

John Dwyer Oval in Caringbah

Jones Park in Merrylands

Jubilee Park in Glebe

Kearns Oval / Buchanan Park in Bankstown

Keirle Park in North Manly

Kellyville Memorial Oval in Kellyville

Kelso Park in Panania

Killarney Oval in Killarney Heights

Kinch Reserve in Condell Park

King George Park in Rozelle

King Park in Merrylands

Kingsdene Oval in Carlingford

Kitchener Park in Mona Vale

Knox Main Oval in Wahroonga

Koola Park in Killara

Lambert Park in Leichhardt

Lapstone Oval in Lapstone

Latham Park in Coogee

Laybutt Reserve in Blacktown

Lees Park in Croydon Park

Leichhardt Oval 2 in Leichhardt

Leichhardt Park in LEICHHARDT

Leichhardt Secondary College in Lilyfield

Les Shore Field in Glenorie

L'Estrange Park in Mascot

Lindfield Oval in Lindfield

Lindfield Soldiers Memorial Park in Lindfield

Lionel Watts Park in Frenchs Forest

Lionel Watts Reserve in Frenchs Forest

Lockwood Park in Chullora

Lofberg Oval in West Pymble

Lynwood Reserve in Blacktown

MacFarlane Reserve in Davidson

Mackey Park in Marrickville

Macquarie Uni Sports Fields in North Ryde

Mahoney Park in Marrickville

Manly High School in North Curl Curl

Manly Oval in Manly

Manly West in Balgowlah

Marayong Oval in Marayong

Marco Reserve in Panania

Margaret Myhill Oval in Dundas

Marsfield Oval in Marsfield

Marsfield Park in Marsfield

Matraville High School in Matraville

Matraville Sports High School in Chifley

Max Ruddock Reserve in Winston Hills

McCoy Park in Toongabbie

McKay Oval in Centennial Park

McQuade Oval in Windsor

McQuade Park in Windsor

Melita Stadium in Granville

Melwood Oval in Forestville

Merrylands Park in Merrylands

Middle Head Oval in Mosman

Middleton Park in Bass Hill

Millers Reserve in Manly Vale

Minchinbury Oval in Minchinbury

Mona Park in Auburn

Moreau Reserve in Eastern Creek

Morgan Power Reserve in Kings Langley

Mt. St. Benedicts in Pennant Hills

Murray Farm Reserve in North Rocks

Nagle Park in Maroubra

Narrabeen Sports High in Narrabeen

Nepean Rugby Park in Penrith

Neville Oval in Bass Hill

Newington College Buchanan-South in Stanmore

Newington College Johnson Oval in Stanmore

Newington College Old Boys-North in Stanmore

Newport Oval in Newport

Nield Park in Rodd Point

Nolan Reserve in North Manly

Nolans Reserve in North Manly

North Narrabeen Reserve in Warriewood

North Rocks Park in North Rocks

NSW Sports Academy in Narrabeen

Old Boys Ground in Parramatta

Old Bush Road Oval in Engadine

Old Reub Hudson Oval in Nth Curl Curl

O'Neill Park in Yagoona

Parade Ground in Centennial Park

Parry Park.. in Lakemba

Passmore Reserve in Manly Vale

Patterson Reserve in Quakers Hill

Pennant Hills Oval in Pennant Hills

Perfection Avenue in Kellyville Ridge

Phillips Park in Lidcombe

Phipps Field in Hornsby

Pittwater High School in Mona Vale

Pittwater Rugby Park in Narrabeen

Playford Park in Padstow

Popondetta Park in Emerton

Porter Reserve in Newport

Potts Park in Yagoona

Pratten Park in Ashfield

Price Fields in Parramatta

Primrose Park in Neutral Bay

Princes Park in Auburn

Progress Park in Auburn

Punchbowl Boys High School in Punchbowl

Punchbowl Oval in Punchbowl

Quakers Hill Park in Quakers Hill

Queen Elizabeth Park in Concord

Queens Park in Queens Park

Rawson Park in Mosman

Ray Marshall Reserve in Granville

Ray Price Field in Carlingford

Redfield College in Dural

Reg Bartley Oval in Rushcutters Bay

Reid Park in Mosman

Reub Hudson Oval in Curl Curl

Richard Healey in Davidson

Riverview in Lane Cove

Robin Thomas Reserve in Parramatta

Rodney Reserve in Dover Heights

Roger Sheeran Oval in Macquarie Park

Ron Routley Oval in Concord West

Rosedale Park in Croydon Park

Roseville Chase Oval in Roseville

Rosewood Oval in Hornsby

Ross Gwilliam Sportsfield in Macquarie Park

Rothwell Park in Concord

Rowland Park in Daceyville

Rudd Park.. in Belfield

Rydalmere Park in Rydalmere

Ryde Oval in Ryde

Ryde Park in North Ryde

Samuel King Oval in Turramurra

Schofields Park in Schofields

Seaforth Oval in Seaforth

Second Ponds Reserve in Rouse Hill

Shore Oval Northbridge in Northbridge

Shore School Oval in North Sydney

Snape Park in Maroubra

Somerville Park in Eastwood

Spit Reserve in Mosman

St Aloysius College Oval in Chatswood

St Johns Oval in CAMPERDOWN

St Leonards Park in North Sydney

St Luke�s Oval in Concord

St Luke's Park in Concord

St Matthews Farm Reserve in Cromer

St Paul�s College in The University Of Sydney

Steel Park in Marrickville

Steyne Park in Double Bay

Strathfield Park in Strathfield

Stuart Reserve in Padstow

Sydney Park in Stanmore

Sydney Secondary College in Balmain

Sydney Smith Reserve in Westmead

Tania Park in Balgowlah

Tantallon Oval in Lane Cove

Taplin Park in Drummoyne

Ted Burge Sportsground in Wentworthville

Ted Horwood Reserve in Baulkham Hills

Tempe Recreational Reserve in Tempe

Tempe Reserve in Tempe

Tempe Reserve... in Tempe

Terrey Hills Oval in Terrey Hills

Terrey Hills Public School in Terrey Hills

TG Milner Oval in Eastwood

The Charles McLaughlin Recreation Reserve in Baulkham Hills

The Crest Soccer Complex in Bass Hill

The Green in Kyle Bay

The Kings School Oval in Parramatta

The Ridge Oval in Lucas Heights

Thurina Park in Villawood

Timbrell Park in RODD POINT

Tristram Rd in Beacon Hill

Truman Reserve in Cromer

Tudor House in Moss Vale

Tunks Park in Cammeray

Turruwul Park in Rosebery

University Oval 2 in Balmain

UWS Bankstown Campus in Milperra

Valentine Sports Park in Glenwood

Waitara Oval in Waitara

Wakehurst Rugby Park in Belrose

Walshaw Park in Bass Hill

Waterloo Oval in Waterloo

Waverley College in Waverley

Webbs Avenue Reserve in Auburn

Weldon Oval in Curl Curl

Wentworth Park in Ultimo

West Pymble in Pymble

Wheeler Heights Primary School in Wheeler Heights

William Lawson Park in Prospect

Willoughby Park in Willoughby

Wills Ground in Earlwood

Wilson Park in Silverwater

Woodcroft Oval in Woodcroft

Woollahra Oval in Bellevue Hill

Woollahra Oval #3 in Rose Bay

Wyatt Park in Lidcombe

Wyatt Reserve in Belrose

Wyvern Prep in Stanmore

Yattenden Oval in Baulkham Hills

Yulong Oval in Terrey Hills


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