Toorak Gardens fitness challenge

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Toorak Gardens fitness challenge - Get fit and stay fit.

Toorak Gardens sports  

If you did not make the Olympics, you can still use the Sportsnoticeboard to compete in the Toorak Gardens fitness challenge.

Compare your time for your chosen exercise against similiar ages to your neighbours in Toorak Gardens and surrounding suburbs.

Toorak Gardens sporting groups can also compete as a club, school or personal training group.

You must first consult a doctor to make sure it is safe for you to compete in the challenge.

Current exercises include :
  • erg - rowing machine distance rowing for 500, 1k, etc
  • cycling over 1k , 2k etc
  • sit ups - how long does 50 take you?
  • push ups - what's your time to do 10?
  • swimming over various distances
  • or request a fitness exercise for the challenge.

Are you the fastest in your club / company / suburb / age group?

How does your organisation rate?
How do you compare for a 1k on the rowing maching?

Personal trainers, gyms, clubs and schools can use the sports noticeboard fitness challenge to record their times for comparison.

Nick Name Challange Age Location / organisation Time / reps Posted
Ad Erg 250 Meters 36-40 Shore Sports 1:02 5/4/2012
WA Erg 250 Meters 51-55 1:17 30/5/2012
weq Erg 250 Meters 30-35 2:02 20/6/2012
MAL Erg 1000 Meters 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 3:17 17/3/2012
ahl Erg 1000 Meters Under 11 Redlands Sport 6:35 1/4/2012
mal Erg 1000 Meters 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 3:21 1/4/2012
MAL Erg 1000 Meters 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 3:21 26/4/2012
AHL Erg 1000 Meters Under 11 Redlands Sport 7:10 26/4/2012
MAL Erg 1000 Meters 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 3:23 15/6/2012
Andy Erg 1000 Meters 56-60 Defence Rowing Association 3:22 15/1/2015
KL Erg 1000 Meters 36-40 PCRC (Test) 1:43 18/6/2016
OT Erg 1500 Meters Under 10 Shellcove High 7:43 27/7/2012
PR Erg 2000 Meters 25-30 Shellcove High 8:10 27/7/2012
Matt Erg 2000 Meters Under 16 to be deleted 6:50 9/8/2012
Erg 2000 Meters 25-30 Mosman Football Club 7:08 21/10/2013
SHelagh Erg 2000 Meters 41-45 Norwich Rowing Club 0:00 15/1/2018
ST Erg 2000 Meters 41-45 Norwich Rowing Club 7:42 18/1/2018
Sarah Erg 2500 Meters 30-35 8:00 24/9/2013
Mal Erg 5000 Meters 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 18:36 18/3/2012
mal Erg 5000 Meters 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 18:50 6/4/2012
Mal Erg 5000 Meters 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 19:28 25/5/2012
MAL Erg 5000 Meters 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 19:11 29/5/2012
PO Erg 5000 Meters Under 21 19:26 2/6/2012
LW Erg 5000 Meters 25-30 24:18 15/8/2012
KT Erg 7500 Meters 25-30 Shellcove High 27:28 27/7/2012
Jh Sprint 100 Meters 21-24 Shellcove High 0:13 6/4/2012
GM Sprint 100 Meters Under 19 0:13 30/5/2012
WK Sprint 100 Meters 36-40 0:14 2/6/2012
ahl Sprint 1000 Meters Under 11 Redlands Sport 9:44 18/3/2012
ahl Sprint 1000 Meters Under 11 Redlands Sport 7:58 18/3/2012
AHL Sprint 2000 Meters Under 11 Redlands Sport 13:20 22/4/2012
MAL Sprint 2000 Meters 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 6:44 22/4/2012
GM Swim 100 Meters Under 19 1:28 30/5/2012
HW Swim 100 Meters Under 18 1:49 30/5/2012
KI Push ups 20 Under 19 Shore Sports 0:23 31/5/2012
RET Push ups 50 21-24 1:07 30/5/2012
VT Push ups 100 30-35 1:30 30/5/2012
Maddie Sit ups 75 21-24 1:15 23/5/2012
GM Cycling 1k Under 19 1:28 30/5/2012
RET Cycling 30km 21-24 22:00 30/5/2012
GM Cycling 30km 21-24 26:18 30/5/2012
VT Cycling 50km 30-35 57:10 30/5/2012
AHL Sprint 3000 Meters Under 11 Redlands Sport 21:45 24/4/2012
AHL Sprint 3000 Meters Under 11 Redlands Sport 18:43 25/4/2012
Walking 2k Under 10 GKR Karate -Newcastle 0:00 4/2/2014
FR walking 7k 41-45 23:34 30/5/2012
ML Spit to Manly run 41-45 Mosman Rowing Club 2:26:00 7/10/2012
DB test Head of the Yarra 8600m OPEN Richmond Rowing Club 40:17 1/9/2015

Register on the sports noticeboard for your particular exercise
to see who the fastest is in Toorak Gardens.
How do you rate with the number of situps, push ups, 1k swim, sprint, erg?

Do you have the best time in Toorak Gardens? Compare your suburb to others

If you would like to list your times on the Toorak Gardens fitness challenge then :

   register now for the Toorak Gardens fitness challenge   



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